Frequently Asked Questions


*This is not medical advice* 

What Can I Expect When Adding Liver to My Diet?

Most people notice an increase in their energy instantly after adding liver to their diet. Liver is nature's multivitamin providing you with the most bioavailable nutrients. Many people report increased mental clarity, reduced anxiety, more energy, better sleep, less sugar cravings, and overall better health after adding liver and other organs in to their diet.


Can My Babies/ Children Take the Capsules?

Yes totally!! We feed them to our children daily. 1 capsules of liver daily should be sufficient. You can open the capsule up and add it into their food/drink. Some children even like to chew the pills on their own.


Can I Take The Liver Pills While Breastfeeding or Pregnant?

*This is not medical advice* 

Liver is typically not recommended during pregnancy. Mariah the creator of Liver Honey did take liver preconception, during pregnancy & postpartum.  Many women who did the same as her reached out and reported positive effects from it. Please always consult with your doctor or midwife before adding anything new to your diet. 

"As for liver for pregnant women, a study carried out in Rome, Italy, found no congenital malformations among 120 infants exposed to more than 50,000 IU of vitamin A per day (Teratology, Jan 1999 59(1):1-2). A study from Switzerland looked at blood levels of vitamin A in pregnant women and found that a dose of 30,000 IU per day resulted in blood levels that had no association with birth defects (International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research 1998 68(6):411-6). Textbooks on nutrition written before the Second World War recommended that pregnant women eat liver frequently, yet today pregnant women are told to avoid this extremely nutritious food. Don’t eat beef liver, cautions Organic Style magazine in a February 2005 article on diets for pregnant women, “. . . it has high levels of retinol, a vitamin-A derivative that can cause birth defects.”" 
